Cloning Minecraft
Unity C#
Developed as a solo project at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy in Orland, FL.
Cloning Minecraft was a Technical Design final class project that I later expanded upon. The class was given the method means to procedurally generate a world of 1x1 cubes, and I then sought to accurately recreate the feel and functionality of Minecraft.
What Did I Do?
I focused on gameplay scripting (solo project).
Some highlights of my work include:
Digging and block-placing features.
Players can dig blocks out of the environment, add that block type to their inventory, and place that block elsewhere.
Clicking draws a raycast from the camera and then deletes or spawns block on top of the surface's local forward.
Occlusion Culling
Building introduced performance problems due to the increased number of blocks in the scene.
Implemented a means to only render blocks visible to the player.
Blocks raycast in all four directions to determine if they have exposed faces. If so, then the block is rendered. If not, then the block is hidden.
Only culls on initial generation (check all cubes) and when a block is placed or destroyed (only check the cubes local to the affected area).
Day/Night Cycle
Rotates the main directional light with the passage of in-game time.
Changes the skybox based on time of day​​​​​
Digging and Building